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Form and substance. Refined and with an apparent simplicity, it conquers with its practicality and refined character that stands out in refined optical effects in black and white, as well as in the soft, reassuring colours of its fabrics.
Model with completely removable cover, spruce and poplar plywood frame that can be inspected by means of a zip under the shell
Non-deformable polyurethane foam padding in different densities.
Modello completamente sfoderabile, fusto in legno di abete e multistrato di pioppo ispezionabile tramite zip posizionata sotto la scocca. Imbottitura in poliuretano espanso indeformabile a quota differenziate. Cuscini di seduta in piuma d’oca a molle con tipologia “Super Soft System” brevettato.I cuscinetti sovrapposti in piuma sono di serie. There is a bed version with only the electrowelded bedspring as standard and H11 mattress in non-deformable high-density polyurethane 50 with removable and washable aloe cover. Feather pads are standard.